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How does Mediaflow's Open / Save plugin work on Mac?

A brief introduction to our Open/Save plugin.


The Open / Save plugin for Mac is a BETA version. This means that there may be things that do not work properly. Contact our support if you encounter any problems. 

Note that only Pro users can use this plugin.

This plugin must be activated for your account by us. Contact support for more information.

Link to the installation file

What is Open / Save?

Open / Save is a Mac menu bar application that allows you to open and edit files from Mediaflow in any macOS application that supports the file format. Our users often use it together with Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, but it is also possible to open files such as text documents in Word. After you have edited your file, you can save these edits directly to Mediaflow, where the changes will become a version of the original file.

Working with InDesign

For an optimal workflow with InDesign documents, we recommend combining the Open / Save plugin with our InDesign plugin. Open / Save is used to open the InDesign document in Mediaflow and with the InDesign plugin you can insert files directly from Mediaflow into the document without having to manually download them to a computer first.

Read more about the InDesign plugin here (swedish)

How to install Open/Save?

1. Mediaflow Support or your specific contact person at Mediaflow sends a download link for the application. Or download it directly using the link above.

2. Unzip and move the file to the application folder, the same way most other macOS applications are installed.

3. Launch the application.

4. When the application is running, a Mediaflow icon appears in the menu bar.

Screenshot 2020-03-10 at 15.54.27-1

How do I edit a file with Open / Save?

After installation is complete, you can right-click on a file in Mediaflow and select the option "Open and edit".

Screenshot 2022-03-17 at 15.06.20

Next, the window below appears, listing all the available applications you can open the file with. Select one and click on "Open".

Screenshot 2022-03-17 at 13.42.59

Screenshot 2022-03-17 at 13.45.39

After you have finished editing the file, make sure to click on "Save" in the application you've edited the file in (not "Save as"). You will now see the following dialog where you have the choice to save the changes and send the file back to Mediaflow.

If you want your changes to replace the active version of the file in Mediaflow, select "Save the edited file as a new active version". The original version will be kept, but saved as an inactive version of the file. If you want to completely delete the original version, you can do that in Mediaflow.

If you want your changes to be saved as a secondary version, select "Save the edited file as a new version".

What does it look like in Mediaflow when I save a version?

Screenshot 2022-03-17 at 15.09.21

Back in Mediaflow, you now see that the image has a small "pile of images" icon on it. It stands for "versions" and in the right info panel you can now click on the tab "Versions", where you can see all the different versions.

Click here to go to our article on versions (swedish)


Make sure the file you save retains the same file format and settings as the original file. An image you sent to Photoshop, for example, may need you to merge layers before saving.